Sudoku Board Generator

A few weeks lately I caught Sudoku Flu on my Microsoft Surface Pro and it spread to my iPhone and my Mac. Not my first time playing but I'm enjoying a renaissance right now. I became interested in the algorithms for generating and solving Sudoku boards and ended up writing a nice Sudoku board generator from scratch!

My first stab at the algorithm was a dismal failure. I thought I'd recursively fill each 3x3 region with all permutations of the numbers 1-9 in a random order and backtrack when necessary. This is what I needed the permutation algorithm for that I wrote about last time. Anyways, the algorithm would get stuck on the next-to-last region, trying all combinations, and didn't complete after several minutes.

After reading some good tips on Stack Overflow I gave it another try and it was a great success!

My working algorithm is as follows:

  1. Seed 3 regions in a diagonal (top-left, middle, bottom-right) with the numbers 1-9 in a random order. By doing so, none of those regions can violate the 1-9 rule of any row, column, or region.
    7 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
    6 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 6 7 3 0 0 0
    0 0 0 8 1 5 0 0 0
    0 0 0 2 9 4 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 7
    0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 5
    0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 6
  2. Use a "Sudoku solver" approach to filling in the remaining numbers. Each number that was originally assigned should "knock out" any possibility of that number occurring in the same row, the same column, or the same region.

  3. Loop through all empty cells and find one that's tied for having the fewest possible numbers that can be assigned while still having at least one possibility. Randomly assign one of the possible numbers while knocking out any repeats of that number as before.

  4. When no cell can be assigned to the algorithm is finished. If any cells are still unassigned then the current solution is invalid. While it would be possible to backtrack and whatnot, 9 times out of 10 the generator results in a valid solution so I chose to keep it simple and just discard any invalid solutions and try again. The algorithm runs "instantly" and the most I've ever seen it take is three tries. Here's an example solution: ``` 7 4 1 9 3 8 6 5 2 2 8 9 4 5 6 7 3 1 6 5 3 1 2 7 8 9 4 9 1 4 6 7 3 5 2 8 3 7 2 8 1 5 4 6 9 8 6 5 2 9 4 1 7 3 4 3 8 5 6 9 2 1 7 1 9 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 5 2 7 3 4 1 9 8 6 ```
  5. The big challenge that I haven't tackled yet is then to randomly remove numbers to fit an easy/medium/hard/etc. difficulty rating. I believe it would be necessary to combine some "# of values removed" setting with a Sudoku solver that employs some level of inferencing to guarantee solvability - for example, "only fill in spots with one possible value" or "look for two spots that each contain only two numbers and remove those numbers from other candidate spots".

Here's the Rogue source code for my generator:

# SudokuGenerator.rogue
# 2016.01.19 by Abe Pralle

class Board
    cells      = Cell[]( 9*9 )
    regions    = Region[]
    candidates = Int32[]  # a work list

    method init
      forEach (index in 0..9*9-1) cells.add( Cell(index%9,index/9) )

      forEach (j in 0..2)
        forEach (i in 0..2)
          regions.add( Region(this,i,j) )

      local tries = 1
      while (not generate_board)

        # Clear the cell values and invalid number flags 
        # for the next try
        forEach (cell in cells)
          cell.value = 0
          cell.invalid_numbers = 0

      #println "Generated valid board in $."...
      #        ("# try/# tries".pluralize(tries))

    method cell_at( i:Int32, j:Int32 )->Cell
      return cells[ j*9 + i ]

    method display
      forEach (j in 0..8)
        forEach (i in 0..8)
          if (i > 0) print ' '
          print cell_at(i,j).value

    method display_debug
      # Displays the number assigned to each cell or all possible
      # numbers that can still be placed in the cell.
      println "-------------------------------------"
      forEach (j in 0..8)
        print_row_fragment( j, 0 )
        print_row_fragment( j, 1 )
        print_row_fragment( j, 2 )
        println "-------------------------------------"

    method generate_board->Logical
      # Seed the board by filling 3 independent regions in a
      # diagonal with numbers 1-9 in a random order

      #println "SEED"

      while (place_another_number)

      # Make sure every cell has a number
      forEach (cell in cells)
        if (cell.value == 0) return false  # failed board generation

      # Valid board
      return true

    method invalidate_column( i:Int32, value:Int32 )
      forEach (j in 0..8)

    method invalidate_row( j:Int32, value:Int32 )
      forEach (i in 0..8)

    method place_another_number->Logical
      # Find a cell with the fewest possible assignable values >= 1
      local min = 10
      local min_cell : Cell
      forEach (cell in cells)
        if (cell.value == 0)
          local count = cell.possible_numbers
          if (count > 0 and count < min)
            min = count
            min_cell = cell
            if (min == 1) escapeForEach

      if (not min_cell) return false

      forEach (n in 1..9)
        if (min_cell.can_assign(n)) candidates.add( n )

      min_cell.assign( candidates.random )

      return true
    method print_row_fragment( j:Int32, fragment:Int32 )
      print "|"
      forEach (i in 0..8)
        local cell = cell_at(i,j)
        if (cell.value)
          which (fragment)
            case 0: print "..."
            case 1: print ".$." (cell.value)
            case 2: print "..."
          forEach (n in fragment*3+1..fragment*3+3)
            if (cell.can_assign(n)) print n
            else                    print " "
        print "|"

    method region_at( i:Int32, j:Int32 )->Region
      return regions[ j*3 + i ]


class Cell
    region           : Region
    index_i, index_j : Int32
    value            : Int32
    invalid_numbers  : Int32

    method init( index_i, index_j )

    method assign( n:Int32 )->Logical
      if (value or (invalid_numbers & (1:<<:n))) return false
      value = n
      region.board.invalidate_column( index_i, n )
      region.board.invalidate_row( index_j, n )
      region.invalidate_number( n )
      return true

    method can_assign( n:Int32 )->Logical
      return not (value or (invalid_numbers & (1:<<:n)))

    method invalidate_number( n:Int32 )
      invalid_numbers |= (1:<<:n)

    method possible_numbers->Int32
      local flags = (!invalid_numbers) :>>: 1
      local count = 0
      forEach (1..9)
        if (flags & 1) ++count
        flags = flags :>>: 1
      return count

    method to->String
      return "($,$)" (index_i,index_j)

class Region
    board            : Board
    cells            = Cell[]
    next_region      : Region
    region_index     : Int32

    method init( board, index_i:Int32, index_j:Int32 )
      region_index = index_j * 3 + index_i
      index_i *= 3
      index_j *= 3
      forEach (j in index_j..index_j+2)
        forEach (i in index_i..index_i+2)
          cells.add( board.cell_at(i,j) )
          cells.last.region = this

    method invalidate_number( n:Int32 )
      forEach (cell in cells) cell.invalidate_number( n )

    method randomize
      # Assign 1-9 in a random order
      forEach (cell at i in cells.clone.shuffle)
        cell.assign( i+1 )